Camellias are a wonderful choice! In a moderate climate, you might enjoy varieties like 'Yuletide' for its vibrant winter blooms or 'Nuccio's Pearl' for a classic look. You can find excellent selections at local nurseries or online; I suggest looking for reputable suppliers that specialize in camellias or other acid-loving plants.
When planting, make sure to pick a spot with partial shade—morning sun with protection from harsh afternoon rays is ideal. Use well-draining, acidic soil to prevent root rot and support healthy growth. One thing I've loved about camellias in my garden is their ability to bring color during the colder months when most other plants are dormant.
Integrating them into your garden can be as simple as showcasing them as a focal point or pairing them with complementary plants like azaleas or rhododendrons. Just keep an eye out for common pests like scale, and you'll be rewarded with stunning blossoms. Have you decided on a specific layout or companion plants for your camellia?